By virtue of that established by the organic law 15/1999 Personal Character Data Protection Organic Law, the client whose details appear in this form, expressly allows Gesturbansur to use their personal details for invoicing and the promotion of marketing services with the same, as well as giving the authorization for communication with those entities with which Gesturbansur has arrangements for providing and promoting services. The information will be included in a Gesturbansur automated file which has the necessary security measures for your confidentiality and you will be able to exercise, in accordance with the law, your rights of access, correction, cancellation and opposition by writing to:
Gesturbansur SL
Gestión de Espacios Urbanizados
C.C. Valle del Este. local 6
04620 VERA, Almería [España]
T: 950 123 456
F: 950 123 456
The intellectual property rights of this Internet portal, its design, its graphics and the codes which it contains are the property of Gesturbansur. The unauthorized reproduction, distribution, marketing or transformation of this work, unless for personal or private use, constitutes an infringement of intellectual property rights. Equally, all distinctive brands or symbols of any kind are protected by the law.
The unauthorized use of the information contained on this portal, as well as the damages caused to intellectual or industrial property rights, could lead to the exercise of the corresponding legal actions, and if appropriate, to the responsibilities which stem from said rights.
Gesturbansur will watch out for and take every care to avoid errors, and should they occur, to amend and update them as quickly as possible, not being able to guarantee their non-existence or that the contents of the information are permanently updated.
Gesturbansur could at any time and without a need for previous notification, carry out modifications and updates to the information contained on the portal or to its configuration or presentation.
Access to the portal, as well as the use which can be made of the information it contains, are the exclusive responsibility of Gesturbansur, which does not take responsibility for any consequence, damage or harm which could stem from this access or use of the information.
The information given through this portal is merely for guidance.
Gesturbansur does not take any responsibility stemming from the connection with or contents of links to third parties which can be referred to on the portal.
The treatment of the personal character information carried out through this portal will be subject to that established under the Personal Character Data Protection Law. The information collected will be transferred as information or will be archived with the consent of the user, who can exercise their rights of access, correction and cancelation, through the appropriate procedures, as well as having the right to decide who can have the information, for what it is used, requesting that the same are exact and that they are used for the ends for which they were collected.